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Coming home!

This year All Saints’ Day is Thursday, so we’re going to have a good deal of free days. Since the day I moved to Poznan I didn’t have many opportunities to go back home in order to celebrate this holiday because the no-classes days were mixed with “normal” ones really inconveniently. However, this November I’m looking forward to going back to Radom, where my family lives. We will be visiting both of my grandparents, cousins, spending time together and of course lighting candles on the graves of the members of our family who passed away. Priests always say that the 1st November is a very happy holiday because we celebrate the memory of all saints – people who are living peacefully in Heaven. If the atmosphere of these days still seems to you more depressing than cheerful, don’t hesitate to visit the cemetery after sunset, when it’s already dark outside. I love the view of hundreds of lighted candles, it’s so beautiful! I’m sure you’ll be amazed as well.


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