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Showing posts from November, 2018

Let it snow!

Source: There are two kinds of people – these who like snow and these who hate it. I’m somewhere in the middle of this battle. To me, snow is a nice thing in December, with all those lights, Christmas Trees and other adornments. It looks really magic when combined together. I love these lazy evenings with my decorative candles lighting in the room, a good film and snow outside. Nothing better than moments like this, with a warm blanket, of course! However, if the snow falls in April when it’s absolutely not supposed to, I rather hate it. Moreover, I’m cold almost every day so winter is especially tricky to me as I try to stay warm at home or during classes and snow doesn’t help at all. I hope it will fall at Christmas Eve, though, which isn't now as obvious in Poland as it used to be :)

So proud!

Yesterday we celebrated the biggest Polish national holiday – The Independence Day. However, it wasn’t just another celebration, because it was the hundredth anniversary! For this reason, I would like to touch on the matter of manifesting our nationality and being proud of it . I think nowadays it’s so important to remember about people to whom we owe freedom, for example Józef Piłsudski. It’s quite sad that there are still so many of us who don’t hang out Polish flags on that day. Every time I’m in Spain, especially during a national holiday, I notice a lot of flags waving on balconies. I guess in the United States every single house has a flag on July 4 th , Americans always do this and I assume they can’t imagine not to. It should be important to everyone, even more for a country that fought as bitterly for its freedom as Poland and sacrificed millions of lives. Be proud!  source:,580_11005

Why so early?

Due to the fact that Halloween and All Saints’ Day are over and there are less people who need to buy ten pumpkins or twenty candles at once, I’m pretty sure we can expect to see Christmas trees, Santa Claus and other decorations very soon. If I were to guess, I would say that the next two weeks are just the normal time for them to come up. However, maybe I should write “normal”, because for me decorating shops and streets should start a few weeks before Christmas, not a few... months. Wait a second, why do I bother? Am I this complaining type of person which doesn’t even like the colour of the sky? Nope. I just can’t understand why people do that. I assume the answer is very easy – money. If you see Christmas everywhere, you will buy more because you’ll feel like doing it. When everyone is buying presents, we automatically want to do the same. Personally, I would prefer seeing all this things a bit later, because I think this “normal” practice kills the REAL atmosphere of Christmas